Monday, April 13, 2020

Virtual Zoom Meeting

Hi there,

My cell phone quit over the weekend and I have ordered a new one online so should be up and running by the end of the week. It will be the same number. During the day you can reach me at the office and then Dean's cell at night. ( Although he says he will charge me rent...) Technology is great until it malfunctions!

Our zoom meetings have been wonderful! Thanks again to Kesha and Patty for all their work. I do have the zoom account and we can meet personally on that anytime. It is still easier to meet face to face and I am here when you need me! We just have to set up time for me to set that up. 

A quote from one of my former teachers:

" More than ever...we are in the business of communication, understanding and talking to people." Mike Ferry

Be well, be safe and be kind, Sandy

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Magic Minute: What is the new normal?

Happy Midday to you!

I hope this blog post finds you well. We are still open for business and happy to be your resource for real estate questions and help in anyway.

As we all try to adjust to this new way of working some of our clients may think we will not be moving fast enough for them.  I have heard this lately from clients so wanted to address this. Please be patient with all the parties that are putting your transaction or refinance together. How do you do that? Just think about the  benefit of getting a super low interest rate with a super low payment is worth the wait of waiting a few days extra. Also, your agent/lender will  set the expectations up front that there may be delays with the current situation. I just wrote an offer with a 60 day close to be on the safe side. Make sure you check in with all parties involved often for updates and keep everyone informed about any changes to your personal situation along the way.

If I can help you with any real estate questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. McAlister Properties is here for you.

Be well, be safe and be kind, Sandy

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

              A Day in the Life of a Realtor!

Every week our team meets in the office for accountability, support and to learn something new. To reenergize is something we need to do no matter what our profession is and most often your Realtor is pulling a magical miracle out of a deal to let you go on your way to your next adventure. Yes, they really are and they need to stay positive and engaged too.

In addition, our job is to generate new business each day and your referrals do help us to do that. Referrals are our lifeline. We have to be very structured about staying in touch with everyone so keeping our energy up by meeting together, learning pricing and negotiation skills or listening to a motivational podcast, is a must for us to keep running. These are just some of the things we do on a daily basis to serve you well.

So next time you speak with your Realtor and hopefully it will be one of the McAlister Properties Team...( because we are the best) ask them, "What do you do to stay up on real estate to sell my home in today's market?"  I know what my agents will say!

Experience will be a great foundation but building up from there is learning and adding something everyday. Sandy McAlister

Monday, January 6, 2020

Hi there,

Happy New Year! We had a great group here today for our 11AM Magic Monday Meeting. The agenda is attached. Patty scheduled Michael Pierce from Max Home Inspections to come in tell us about their great warranty programs in addition to all the inspections they offer. They service the entire state of Florida.

All the best for a blazing 2020! I am always here to help no matter what.

If you know of someone who would be a good addition to Mc Properties or Just RE let me know.

“Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need them and your foes won’t believe them.”
― John Wooden

Cheers to you all! Sandy and the McTeam!